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Where They Found Her by Kimberly McCreight

This was also a very good book. This author wrote Reconstructing Amelia, which is on my top 10 list but does not have a review because I read it before I started the blog. It was fabulous. I wanted to try her out again. She definitely didn't disappoint at all! Her books are written so cleverly. You think you have things figured out but yet, you really don't. Reading this one I knew that what I thought was an obvious answer was not the answer. I was constantly trying to figure things out and it turned out I was very wrong in the end. She is an author that causes me to sit back and think of all the things that happened in the story that led to the ending, that I obviously didn't think was very important and truly was! I would say she is a mystery writer, she builds characters and connects them very well. Each chapter is about a different character. In the beginning you wonder how they will all tie together. Her writing brings it all together so well. I think what I enjoy most about her writing is the fact that I am always shocked in the end. This one my mouth literally dropped! I was in complete shock. I had to reread some pieces to believe what I was reading. This story is about finding a body, someone getting a big opportunity reporting on the finding, but the story is rather personal in nature to the reporter, and there are just are a million twists and turns along the way. The author always presents you with a very distinct problem at the beginning then the book back tracks to try and solve the problem. Both of her books were written in this manner. I immediately texted a friend who had read it and we had a mini discussion, which was great.

Warning: It has some touchy material in it. It has topic of losing a child at birth, stillborn birth and miscarriage. It is not offensive in any way to the topics but they are a part of the story line.

Rating: On a scale of 0-5 I would give it a 5!

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