Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris

Well..I know this one took me a while to read. I started back to school and working there each day took away from my reading time. This book is not one I enjoyed reading. It is a suspense book or thriller as you might call it. I prefer to watch these kinds of stories as a movie. Reading them is excruciating because I can't read fast enough! So I don't want anyone to think I am giving it a bad review because I am trying not to, but again this is just not my kind of read. It is very well written. It is not difficult to read, it is actually pretty easy, it is just the topic that is difficult for me to read. Obviously it is about a married couple, which is not what it seems. They put on a good front but the marriage is NOT what everyone thinks. That is the difficulty for me. After a while I got past the irritating topic and could read. I was very into the book and when I turned the page it was over!! Now I know that sounds bad, but the ending was fine. It's not like it ended and left me hanging. It was a typical end to a thriller. This book made me feel like my stomach was in knots a lot and made me feel helpless, and I am just the reader. The characters were great! The author did a good job in building each one. I feel all characters were very important to the plot of the story. I think if you like Girl on a Train, and In a Dark Dark Wood you would like this story.
Warning: The topic is a "bad" marriage that they pretend is good, might put it in category of battered wife, but there is no physical abuse. Hard to explain without giving too much away.
Rating: On a scale of 1-5, I would give it a 3.